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AEW Dynamite Results for February 3, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Tonight began with a Tag Team Battle Royale (winning team receives a title shot at AEW REVOLUTION)!

Participating teams included:

-Private Party—Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen

-The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens & Max Caster

-Top Flight—Dante Martin & Darius Martin

-Jurassic Express—Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy

-Dark Order’s Stu Grayson & Evil Uno

-Inner Circle’s Santana & Ortiz

-Dark Order’s John Silver & Alex Reynolds

-Inner Circle’s Jake Hager & Sammy Guevara

-Inner Circle’s MJF & “Demo God” Chris Jericho

-AEW Tag Team Champions—The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson! (If The Bucks win, they can handpick their REVOLUTION opponents!)

Upon review of their conduct after the Jungle Boy vs. Dax Harwood match from last week, FTR were suspended from competition for one week. They had to forfeit their place in tonight’s battle royale and were replaced by John Silver & Alex Reynolds.

The Bucks jumpstarted the match with stage dives! Dante got speared by Matt! Santana and Ortiz slugged it out with The Bucks until all 10 teams were in the fray! Hager eliminated Reynolds but then the rest of Dark Order eliminated Hager! Inner Circle eliminated Bowens, as revenge for The Acclaimed upstaging Jericho during their entrance. Luchasaurus began eating up the competition, with bodies dropping everywhere! Luchasaurus was eliminated from behind by Silver and Uno! They worked over Nick Jackson after that big elimination.

Quen tried for Silly String but Darius countered it, and Quen was out of the match. John Silver suplexed Ortiz and Santana simultaneously. And then they surprised him and tossed him over the top. Nick Jackson sent Ortiz and then Santana to the outside floor!

The Good Brothers came out and started watching from ringside as Kassidy and Nick Jackson were trading shots. Kassidy was pulled over to the floor by The Good Brothers. MJF ran up from behind and threw Nick Jackson out of the match.

“Jungle Boy is the clear favorite now but the Inner Circle have got the numbers,” said Excalibur.

MJF, Sammy, and Jericho tried to push Jungle Boy out with their boots, but he grapevine the bottom rope, holding him in. Wardlow prowled on the outside of the ring. MJF eliminated Jungle Boy and turned around to rights and lefts from Max Caster. MJF was eliminated by Caster, who was then tossed out by Darius Martin!

Sammy and Jericho double teamed Darius Martin! He countered by spiking them with a vicious DDT! Jericho inadvertently flipped Sammy out of the ring, and then blasted Darius with the Judas Effect, sending him to the arena floor! Jericho and MJF are your winners and will be challenging The Bucks at REVOLUTION! Sammy was furious, as he believed he was intentionally eliminated by Jericho. Sammy stormed to the back instead of helping the Inner Circle celebrate in the ring.

Training footage of Jade Cargill in the gym aired.

Out next: TNT Champion Darby Allin and Sting!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to introduce them.

“There’s something special about this young man,” said Jim Ross of Darby Allin.

It began snowing in Jacksonville as Sting made his entrance!

Team Taz interrupted the interview before it could begin. They were standing outside the arena; Taz said they were being punished for their actions last week. Taz said they’d be watching Darby next week when he defends his TNT Title against Joey Janela.

“OK Team Taz, you say that you’re going to be here next week for Darby’s title match? I’m going to be here as well to make sure it’s a 1-on-1 match,” said Sting.

For the first time ever—Thunder Rosa vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (with Reba)!

Thunder Rosa dumped Rebel to the outside before the match began. She hit Baker with a low dropkick and then worked over her wrist. She asserted her aggressiveness on Baker, slamming her head into the corner turnbuckle repeatedly.

Baker rolled up Thunder Rosa and maintained wrist control. Thunder Rosa escaped with a hard elbow and then a flipping senton on Baker in the corner, good for a two-count! Thunder Rosa mounted Baker with some ground and pound! Thunder Rosa jumped toward the corner but Baker dodged it, and then kicked Thunder Rosa in the back of the head. Baker wrenched the head and shoulder of Thunder Rosa. Baker rammed Thunder Rosa’s head into the steel barricade on the outside of the ring. Thunder Rosa started to take the beating back to Baker, whipping her into the barricade this time, and then stomping a mud hole into her!

Thunder Rosa nailed Baker with a Death Valley Driver on the stage! Thunder Rosa charged in with a clothesline and then a dropkick.

“Britt has no defense right now,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Thunder Rosa is trying to neutralize that Lock Jaw,” said Excalibur.

Baker caught Thunder Rosa with a switch blade lariat and then a thrust kick, finding herself back in control. Thunder Rosa rallied back with kicks, but Baker countered with the Air Raid Crash! Thunder Rosa kicked out at two!

Rebel provided the latex glove to Baker, who then attempted to apply the lock jaw. Thunder Rosa got her boot on the bottom rope to force the ref break. Baker ran and stomped Thunder Rosa face first. She tried for the lock jaw again but Thunder Rosa lifted Baker and suplexed her way out. She connected with a second death valley driver, but Baker kicked out again!

Rebel removed the turnbuckle pad while the ref’s vision was obscured. Thunder Rosa booted her from the ring apron. Baker sent Thunder Rosa face-first into the exposed turnbuckle and then applied the lock jaw. The ref stopped the match, declaring Baker as the victor.

“Hangman” Adam Page & Matt Hardy vs. Chaos Project—Luther & Serpentico!

Page and Hardy are reuniting here as a team for the first time since Stadium Stampede. Page agreed to team with Hardy because Chaos Project tried to ruin -1’s birthday party.

Matt decked Serpentico as the bell rang.

“He is asserting his will on Serpentico here in the early going,” said Excalibur.

Page tagged in with a running shooting star press but Serpentico kicked out at the two-count! Hardy tagged in and hit a side effect on Serpentico. Luther splashed Matt Hardy, sandwiching Serpentico in between them. Serrpentico tried to follow up with a senton but Hardy rolled out of the way. Page tagged in and hit a spinebuster on Serpentico. Page dropped Serpentico with the buckshot lariat, but before he could cover his opponent, Hardy tagged in and pinned Serpentico!

Jericho and MJF brought a full cooler of bubbly to celebrate backstage with the Inner Circle. Sammy questioned Jericho, and said he’s not so sure they’re all in this together. Jericho left to go check on Sammy. When Jericho and Sammy left the room, MJF told Wardlow to shut the door, as he wanted to have a talk with the Inner Circle.

And now for the Wedding of Penelope Ford & Kip Sabian!

Joining them were “The Best Man” Miro and his butler, Charles Taylor.

James Mitchell was officiating the ceremony. Vickie Guerrero walked Kip to the ring. Jerry Lynn walked Penelope Ford down the ramp to her groom-to-be.

Kip and Penelope shared their personal vows with one another.

Charles Taylor handed the rings to Miro, who then passed them on to Kip and Penelope.

James Mitchell asked if there was anyone who objected, they should speak up now or—and Miro stopped him and said to keep the ceremony rolling. It was official and Penelope and Kip kissed.

Miro told Charles Taylor to get the champagne so that “The Best Man” could toast Kip. Miro said that his power and viciousness is his present to Kip. He pointed to a wrapped box in the corner and asked what it was. Charles Taylor said it was from him. Miro kicked and stomped the box because he didn’t trust anything from Charles Taylor. Miro said it was time for cake, but he then realized, at some point, he’d been shackled to the bottom rope! As things began to take a bad turn for the newlyweds, Penelope Ford flopped face-first into the wedding cake! Orange Cassidy popped out from the top of the cake and planted Kip Sabian, while Miro could do nothing but watch!

“It was an Orange Cassidy-flavored cake!” said Jim Ross.

HUGE NEWS! It was announced that Shaq & Jade Cargill will wrestle Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet in tag-team competition on Wednesday, March 3rd live on DYNAMITE!

This was followed by a Lumberjack Match!

“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts) vs. “Mad King” Eddie Kingston (with The Butcher, The Blade & The Bunny)!

“This one will be bowling shoe ugly,” said Jim Ross.

Archer clubbed Eddie until The Butcher and The Blade pulled Archer out of the ring. They descended upon him like hungry vultures. Kingston brawled with the lumberjacks on the outside and while Kingston was preoccupied, Archer ran and jumped over the top rope! Archer crash-landed on the “Mad King”!

Back in the ring, Kingston hit Archer with a headbutt. Archer wanted more and urged him on, so Eddie dropped a few elbows to the skull of Archer.

“They keep ripping and tearing at each other. If they did this on the street, they’d be in jail!” said Jim Ross.

Archer countered an exploder with a full nelson slam! Archer suplexed Kingston halfway across the ring and then splashed him for a two-count! Bunny jumped into the ring and onto Archer’s back. Archer lifted up Bunny for the Black Out but Kingston hit the spinning back elbow on Archer! Kingston tried for the exploder and connected, but Archer kicked out. Blade brought in a table but Bear Country evened up the odds, spearing Butcher and the Blade. Archer choke slammed Kingston for a near fall. Kingston went to the top rope but Archer grabbed him and nailed the black out for the victory on the “Mad King”!

“Lance Archer earned every bit of that victory,” said Excalibur.

FTR sent in a disturbing video. They had Marko Stunt handcuffed to a chair with his mouth taped shut. They’re said they’re not bad men, but sometimes they have to think about what bad men would do. Because all they want is a shot at the tag belts, and Jurassic Express prevented them from earning that tonight when FTR were suspended for one week.

Time for the Main Event!

Jon Moxley, PAC & Rey Fenix vs. AEW World Champion Kenny Omega & Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers—Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows (with Don Callis)!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for the main event.

PAC and Rey Fenix came out together, and then Mox joined them, giving each a fist bump.

PAC and Karl Anderson kicked things off for their respective teams, They traded strikes and then PAC got Karl off his feet. Gallows tagged in and Mox insisted on being tagged in by PAC. Mox went right after Gallows with four strong shots. Gallows tried to sit out of Mox’s strike zone but Mox followed up with a running knee strike.

Rey Fenix tagged in and he and PAC used tandem offense on Karl Anderson. PAC got slammed off the top by Gallows as Omega held PAC’s leg. PAC hit some serious impact on Omega with a rolling German suplex! Mox tagged in and brought with him the thunder to Karl Anderson for a near fall. Mox took out The Good Brothers with a tope suicida! Omega grabbed Mox on the outside, but Mox ran Omega right into the steel barricade!

Gallows went through a powerbomb but Mox countered with a figure four leglock. Anderson ran in to break the hold. They tried for the magic killer on Mox but he escaped and got the tag to Rey Fenix! Rey Fenix used his educated feet on The Good Brothers and Kenny Omega. PAC and Rey Fenix hit stereo moonsaults on The Good Brothers! Rey Fenix used a cutter on Omega for a near fall! Omega kicked out Rey Fenix’s legs and used a high angle snap dragon suplex on Rey Fenix. Gallows was tagged in and attemped the pin but Rey Fenix kicked out. PAC got the blind tag and chopped away at Gallows, finally taking him off his feet!

Gallows knocked PAC with a big boot and then Gallows, Anderson and Omega triple-teamed PAC! Omega pancaked PAC with a Liger Bomb but PAC kicked out at the two-count! Omega followed up with the V-trigger. He tried for the one-winged angel but PAC fought out. PAC was there to hook Omega with a German suplex, but Omega escaped in the nick of time!

Mox tagged in and he and Omega traded forearms! Mox went for the Paradigm Shift but Omega used one of his own on Mox! PAC came off the top rope with the 450! This allowed Mox to gun stun Anderson and tag in Rey Fenix.

Rey Fenix was met with a spinebuster by Karl Anderson and then The Good Brothers hit the magic killer on him for the victory!

Lance Archer’s music hit and he ran down like a house of fire, stopping Omega and The Good Brothers from continuing their beatdown on Mox and Rey Fenix!

Moxley got to his feet and was about to take the beating to Kenny Omega when suddenly…

Kenta jumped in from out of nowhere and used the Go-To-Sleep on Moxley!

What a main event and a shocking conclusion to tonight’s DYNAMITE!

Be sure to join us next week as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast live on TNT!


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